MECSA - Decoletaje y Mecanizados

MEC SA · Turning and Machining

Telf. (+34) 93 431 02 38 ·

Industrial Mec S.A. Industrial Mec S.A. Industrial Mec S.A. Industrial Mec S.A. Industrial Mec S.A. Industrial Mec S.A.

MEC.SA- Turning and Machining-CNC Lathes- Lathe Machines fixed and moveable.

Industrial MEC S.A. is for more than 20 years an outstanding steppingstone in the Turning and Machining industry, national and international.  Our installations are equipped with a updated generation of CNC Lathers.  The work-Hanger, divided into two sections of automatic and manual operated Turning Machines are operated by high classified experts.

MEC S.A. manufactures all kind of parts with a measurement from 3 mm to 60 mm of diameter. Parts for the automobile manufacturing industry, electro domestic, Hotels, electricity and medical industry, ect.

Parts are made of a great variety of materials: Stainless steel, brass, nylon, copper, iron, aluminium, PVC, etc.

  • Turning and Machining
  • Parts made of:steel, Iron, Aluminium, Brass, Nylon, stainless, ect…
  • CNC Lathes
  • Automatic lathes
  • Stock negotiable safety
  • ISO 9001:2008.

We are here

Industrial Mec S.A.
C/ Granada, 20.
08740 Sant Andreu de la Barca.
Telf. (+34) 93 431 02 38
Fax. (+34) 93 431 19 55