Section of CNC Lathes DECO Capacity Ø 30
Lathe Machine, stable Headpart DELTA 38/5L Capacity Ø 38
Lathe Machine, movable Headpart, GAMMA 20/5 Capacity Ø 20
Section of CNC Lathes DECO Capacity Ø 30
Lathe stable Headpart, EMCO 332 Capacity Ø 35
Inside-View, movable Headpart GAMMA 20/5
Lathe stable Headpart, EMCO 365 Capacity Ø 65
Cam lathes machines, INDEX Capacity Ø 3-60
Industrial Mec S.A.
C/ Granada, 20.
08740 Sant Andreu de la Barca.
Telf. (+34) 93 431 02 38
Fax. (+34) 93 431 19 55